
Coming Soon

Use your to-do list as your portfolio – and build skills along the way

If you’re anything like us, when you’re in the thick of a project, it’s impossible to find the time to sit and write about it.

But when it comes to your performance review or job interview, you’re stuck with a bad memory and a blank page.

By adding achievements when they happen, we can do better.

Introducing Progression Solo, the first ever design diary

Discover your skills

Complete assessments, add achievements, and find out what makes you tick.

Build and share your profile

When you need the results - for a performance review, job interview or CV, they’re sharable.

How might Progression Solo work?

Add achievements over time

When they happen, or a bit every day. We’ll help you remember to add achievements. We’ll even guide you with helpful prompts, if you’re short on inspiration.

Build your profile, assess & grow

Progression content is designed to test your skills and give you insights into what to focus on next.

Search & export work and skills

Dreading your next 360 review, or worried about what to say in your big interview? You have everything already there, to use as you wish.

Why Progression?

Your data, not your employer’s

Your data is yours to keep and do with whatever you wish, even when you leave your current job.

Posts at your fingertips

Speedy search, smart categorisation and keyword detection means whatever questions you might be asked, you’ll have an post.

No more folders of stolen work

Spreadsheets, PDFs and pictures of post it notes just can’t tell the story of months of communication, teamwork and leadership. Keep a diary.
